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:: The Ulrich von Hassell Diaries 1938-1944 ::

The Story of the Forces Against Hitler Inside Germany

Ulrich von Hassell

The Ulrich von Hassell Diaries 1938-1944 Sleeve Art

Buy Now for only £30.00*


From Pen & Sword Books

ISBN: 9781848325531
Type: Hardback
Pages: 368

Ulrich von Hassell was the Foreign Minister that Germany never had. He was one of a small group of conservative resisters to the Hitler regime, who began to plan during the Second Word War what a future German government and state would look like. On the list of a potential new cabinet, his name always appeared against the title of Foreign Minister, reflecting a lifetime of experience gained in the world of diplomacy. In the end, however, his name appeared on a death warrant.

These diaries provide a personal commentary on the events from 1938 until Hassell's execution in 1944. They give a fascinating and unique insight into the developments as Hassell was in constant communication with both civilian and military leaders of the various plots against the Fuhrer.

After the outbreak of the Second World War, Ulrich von Hassell became a key figure in a plan to overthrow Hitler. Acting as liaison between conservative and opposition groups, he was able to gauge the level of support needed for a move against Hitler. He played the role of a principal civilian advisor in the July Plot of 1944 and was executed after a two-day trial.

The Ulrich von Hassell Diaries is the first ever complete English edition of the original journals, which were buried in a garden and only recovered after the war. This illuminating and important memoir features previously unpublished family photos, as well as new material from his grandson, Agostino von Hassell.

Agostine von Hassell is the grandson of Ulrich, a writer, military historian and author of Military Highlife and An Alliance of Enemies (Foreword). Richard Overy is Professor of History at Exeter University, his books include Why the Allies Won (Introduction).

*At the time of printing prices are subject to change.
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