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:: Potential Royal Marines Fitness Schedule ::

Royal Marines Globe & Laurel

The purpose is to set out in simple terms the basic fitness training required to be undertaken prior to attending any Royal Marines selection course.

While prescriptive in parts, it is not intended to prevent candidates from exceeding the levels laid down. That said, it is imperative that candidates do not cheat themselves by taking short cuts on the exercises. The exercise programme has been kept simple at this formative stage and does not require membership of expensive gyms. Quality training now will reap dividends as the physical pressure increases during your Royal Marines training.

Warm Up Techniques:

Stretching and gently warming up the body is essential in preparing for exercise. Ensuring you breathe normally during each stretch. Failure to warm up the muscles and mobilize the joints can lead to injury. A minimum of ten minutes before and after each period of exercise should be spent stretching and warming up / down. Ensure you warm up all the muscle groups and mobilize all joints. Get into a set routine and work from top to toe. Once you have completed your warm up and stretch, carry out a two-minute jog that will warm the body generally and start your heart working effectively. If at any time during your stretch you experience any pain - STOP.
If the pain persists consult your doctor.

Always Obey The Six Rules Of Stretching:

• Always ensure a correct start position.
• Always stretch slowly.
NEVER bounce the stretch.
• Hold the stretch for at least twelve seconds.
• Stay relaxed and stretch under control.
• Never ask another person to push the stretch further.


The body position is to be forward over the shoulders, making sure the hands are placed shoulder width apart. Bend the elbows to an angle of 90 degrees, keeping the body straight and the head looking forward. Then extend the arms back to the support position. Repeat the exercise. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the chest, arms and shoulders.

Royal Marines Fitness Manual: Physical Training Manual


Lie flat on your back with your knees bent at 90 degrees, hands touching the sides of your head (not behind the neck and the elbows touching the floor. Feet can be supported under a bed or sofa if preferred. Lift up the torso to a 90 degree angle until the elbows can touch the outside of the knees. Keep the head upright and looking directly ahead. Lie back to the original position ensuring that both shoulders and elbows touch the floor. Repeat the exercise. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the trunk.

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Inclined Pull-Ups:

Place a pole (e.g. strong broom handle, etc) across the back of two chairs so that it is approximately 1 metre off the ground. It is essential that the pole is strong enough to bear your body weight with ease, and that the chairs are sturdy, stable and the same height. This should be confirmed with care, prior to starting the exercise. Sit with your backside forward of the pole and the trunk under it. Reach up and hold the pole with your arms shoulder width apart or wider. Adopt and overgrasp grip (palms facing away from the body). Raise your backside of the floor so that your body is straight. Bend the arms at the elbow so that your body lifts up to touch the pole. Then extend the arms back to the support position. Repeat the exercise. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the back, arms and shoulders.

Commando fitness for civilians and potential Royal Marines recruits


Feet must be clear of the ground (Use a pull-up bar, local tree, playground climbing frame, etc). Adopt a overgrasp grip (palms facing away from the body). Pull your body up with your arms until your chin is over the bar. Lower your body until your arms are fully extended. Repeat the exercise. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the back, arms and shoulders.

The Royal Marines Circuit Training: The All-Round Commando Fitness Programme

Training Programme:

  *PTP: W 1&2 *PRMC/RMS *POC
MONDAY Morning Circuit    
  Press Up 10 Repetitions } 15 Repetitions }
  Sit Up 15 Repetitions } x 3 20 Repetitions } x 3
  Incline Pull Up 10 Repetitions } 15 Repetitions }
  Afternoon Activity    
  Aerobic Run 15 min steady pace Run 3 miles steady pace
  Pull Ups 3 Repetitions Max. Repetitions (Use the number achieved to work out rest of this weeks Repetitions)
TUESDAY Morning Circuit    
  Press Up 10 Repetitions } 15 Repetitions }
  Sit Up 15 Repetitions } x 3 20 Repetitions } x 3
  Incline Pull Up 10 Repetitions } 15 Repetitions }
  Afternoon Activity    
  Aerobic Cycle 25 min or Swim 15 min (Breast Stroke) Cycle 25 min or Swim min (Breast Stroke)
  Pull Ups 3 Repetitions 1/2 Maximum Reps x 2
WEDNESDAY   REST - gentle walk/swim REST - gentle walk/swim
THURSDAY Morning Circuit    
  Press Up 10 Repetitions } 15 Repetitions }
  Sit Up 15 Repetitions } x 3 20 Repetitions } x 3
  Incline Pull Up 10 Repetitions } 15 Repetitions }
  Afternoon Activity    
  Aerobic Sprint run 3 x around football pitch with 2 min rest between each lap Sprint run 4 x around football pitch with 2 min rest between each lap
  Pull Ups 3 Repetitions Maximum Repetitions x 2
FRIDAY Morning Circuit    
  Press Up 10 Repetitions } 15 Repetitions }
  Sit Up 15 Repetitions } x 3 20 Repetitions } x 3
  Incline Pull Up 10 Repetitions } 15 Repetitions }
  Afternoon Activity    
  Aerobic Cycle 25 min/ Swim 15 min (Breast Stroke) Cycle 25 min/ Swim 15 min (Breast Stroke)
  Pull Ups 3 Repetitions 0 Repetitions (Rest)
  Press Up Maximum Repetitions } Maximum Repetitions }
  Sit Up Maximum Repetitions } x 2 Maximum Repetitions } x 2
  Incline Pull Up Maximum Repetitions } Maximum Repetitions }
  Afternoon Activity    
  Aerobic Run 15 min steady pace Run 3 miles steady pace
  Pull Ups 3 Repetitions 1/2 Maximum Repetitions x 3
SUNDAY   REST - gentle walk/swim REST - gentle walk/swim

*PTP: W 1&2 = Physical Training Programme: Weeks 1 & 2
*PRMC/RMS = Potential Royal Marines Course/Royal Marines Reserve
*POC = Potential Officers Course

Conduct Of The Physical Training Programme:

This fitness programme is a guideline only and can be conducted daily at whatever time suits. Remember the repetitions are a minimum only and a warm up/down is to be completed each time you exercise.
It is suggested that the Upper Body Circuits (i.e. Press Up/Sit Up/Inclined Pull Up) are performed in the morning.
Perform the necessary number of repetitions for each exercise, one after the other, then rest for one minute prior to starting again for the second circuit. Repeat for a third time. Reduce the amount of rest between circuits if you can.
The aerobic activity and full pull-ups should be performed in the afternoon/evening.

WEEKS 3 AND 4 Add a minimum 5 repetitions to each exercise.
Add 5-min / half mile to aerobic activities.
PRMC/RMR - add 1 repetition to full Pull-Ups.
Add 1 lap to football sprint.
WEEKS 4 AND 5 Progression as above.
WEEKS 6 AND 7 Progression as above.
WEEK 8 ONWARDS Maintain level achieved in Week 7.

If your Maximum Repetitions for the first time through the circuit on Saturday (the test day) have fallen below the level you achieved the previous saturday, do not move onto the next progression for another week.


• You are encouraged to continue to participate in any sporting activity that you normally do.
• Runs should be undertaken wearing running shoes. Do NOT run in boots.
• During your fitness training, you must maintain a healthy diet and get plenty of rest. Its is essential that you drink plenty of still water before, during exercise.
• Do not exercise if you are feeling unwell or have a cold. If in doubt, seek medical advice.
• Do not exercise 72 hours prior to attending your respective course.

PRMC Training Targets

You should be able to perform a minimum of 3 overgrasp pull-ups and reach a level 10.0 on the bleep test prior to attending the Potential Royal Marines Course to give yourself the best chance of success. The bleep test involves running for 10 minutes at a steady but increasing speed. If you follow this programme you will exceed these compulsory standards.

Potential Officer candidates and Royal Marines Reservists should consult their ACLO/Careers Office to clarify minimum required standards.

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