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:: The Intelligencers ::

British Military Intelligence From the Middle Ages to 1929

Brigadier Brian Parritt CBE CNI

The Rhodesian War - A Military History Sleeve Art

Buy Now for only £19.99*


From Pen & Sword Books

ISBN: 9781848844148
Type: Hardback
Pages: 256

The Intelligencers is a fascinating and authoritative account of a vital, but all too often neglected area of military history – Military Intelligence. Intelligence about the enemy is a fundamental part of any war or battle and knowledge of the enemy's strength, dispositions and intentions is fundamental for success. This book, by a celebrated former Director of the Intelligence Corps, reveals that for 250 years, the British Army resolutely refused to establish a nucleus of soldiers in peace, trained to obtain intelligence in war.

Although there were Scoutmasters and secret spy organisations, such as Walsingham's in the 15th Century, in no major conflict be it the Civil War of 1642, the Peninsula, the Crimea of any of the wars that won Britain an empire, was there any staff branch or unit specifically pre-established to gain intelligence or counter the enemy’s efforts in this direction. Yet, as this book reveals, the story of British military endeavour over 250 years is brim full with tales of individual's bravery, initiatives and success. We read of the Scoutmaster whose role was to gather intelligence on the King's enemies and of Walsingham's secret organisation at the time of Queen Elizabeth I. During the long years of war against France culminating in the Napoleonic Wars, spymasters developed on an ad hoc basis. In the nineteenth Century, despite the power and reach of Empire, no central intelligence organisation existed. Enterprising young officers worked wonders but failures such as those in the Boer War cost the Nation dearly. It took the reverses in the Great War to create an Intelligence Corps. But even that was disbanded post-war.

Brigadier Brian Parritt served for thirty-seven years culminating as Director of the Intelligence Corps for five years. He held senior Intelligence and Security appointments worldwide, including Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Borneo, Malta, Libya and Cyprus.

:: REVIEW ::
5 Stars
Unique Account!
In war there has always been military intelligence. This book is an unique overview of a significant and vital part of military history.

*At the time of printing prices are subject to change.
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