just got a heads-up on 4 Para in London from a friend who has just returned to them after being with the regs - the new recruits are being beasted hard at the moment. In fact there is a lot less emphasis on military skills and more on fitness. The phys sessions are lasting quite a long time on Tuesday nights and the PTIs are showing no mercy.
What with the current climate, the 4 Para lads are in demand quite a lot so the PT side has been upped a notch in order to make sure they are ready, so anyone who is joining might need to get their fitness increased.
Remember, knowledge is power, unless you forget it all.
i'm doing my recruitment tests very soon for 4 para d company in newport.
i haven't really done any phys in last 2 years just weight in gym..i ran my first 1.5m test run yest n done it in 10.00 mins flat.. i'm 32 n left regulars 9 years ago so 10.00 mins in not to shabby i think!
is there any certain training i should be concentrating on to pass the para training and p-coy??
i know a lot of running is a must it is the para's after all.
also how long is the training for para reserve, time scale etc.
any help or tips would be great..
can't wait to start!
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