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Posted: Fri 20 Jun, 2008 8:49 pm
by mutter1
Not really a pyramid, we knew our obligations when we signed up, and we did benefit from the money in infrastructure.....we actually have 6 lane freeways and tunnels now :P (the tunnnels seem to leak though)....what do you wwant me to say, Norway is in a postition of having oil, therefore she can postpone membership, we don't, we are small country with let's be honest no influence on the World outside the EU, even big countries, including the UK will struggle in a world of Giant's (China/India/US, maybe more) in that World who's going to give a shit what 5 or 65 million people on 2 small islands in the North Atlantic think about anything?....I'm Irish damn proud of it, but I'm also a realist.

Posted: Fri 20 Jun, 2008 9:13 pm
by Pilgrim Norway
Another good one .....

At least you - and Ireland have had your vote - and again "Well Done" ....
the treaty will have to be moderated - again - this time more favourably

George Brown has voted for the United Kingdom, with a slap on the back
from Sarkozy as I observed.....

George Brown has taken over the role of ventriloquist it would seem -
a pat on the head to his countrymen and he who knows best decides -
that's why everyone voted him in - so that the government could make
all of the diff-icult dec-isions ....

I hope that Norway holds out against the flattery that is being used at
the moment - I still remember the articles 'divvying up' the oil and the
fishing grounds.....

Posted: Fri 20 Jun, 2008 9:21 pm
by mutter1
Could I ask you a question?......A lot of the "no" camp and Eurosceptic side of the argument argue against the EU because of it's "un-democratic" side, what if let's say they changed the commision into a sort of cabinet elected/selected from the MEP's who we elect......would that maybe lessen your dislike for the thing, or is it deeper and too far gone now for that?

Posted: Sun 22 Jun, 2008 9:51 pm
by Pilgrim Norway
A major, personal, standpoint would be subordination to Brussels.

No matter what else may be 'explained' the population of small countries
such as Norway -and therefore Ireland - would not have a very loud voice
in matters of importance. The decisions would be removed.
Self rule would be gone... Self - would be gone...

The clap on the head does not comfort :D

The natural resources of Norway would of course be attractive - they are
best controlled by Norway.

As I've said - the experiment is not new - I believe that failure, in it's
present form, is inevitable...

You may gain a few viewponts here :-
Though possibly the majority of articles will be in Norwegian - perhaps
the links will be better.

The latest item for support is the Trade Unions petition. The Postal
reform is quite unfair - and was raised while I was still in banking -
no doubt a good idea for the pricing/public stance, but not good on the
employment side.... ( I'm sure that Deutsche Post could take over all
postal traffic and be effective whilst doing so - but my colleagues at An
Post may not be as enthusiastic ).

Posted: Mon 26 Oct, 2009 1:45 pm
by Steve14
We had to have another vote and this time we voted "yes"

Posted: Mon 26 Oct, 2009 8:18 pm
by Pilgrim Norway

Very sad indeed
