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Long time no... anything!

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Long time no... anything!

Post by ofens »

Hi all, been a few years since I logged in!
Anyone still live that might recognise my ID?
Hope you guys are all well and doing OK.

I left regular service in 2020, and went straight to reserves to "keep my hand in".
This has varied from quiet plodding (money for old rope...) to busy AF and really good fun.

Glad to see the forum still exists, don't know how active it is these days, although I see a lot of spam lurking...

Cheers for now

New members, people joining... don't be afraid to ask. This forum was a wealth of good knowledge to me when I started, and I think a lot better than the nonsense I see on social media platforms these days.
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Re: Long time no... anything!

Post by Beast »

Blimey... it's Ofens!
All well this end fella and hope the same for yourself?

At least your keeping your hand in, all you can do these days as times as they are and keep active.

Forums still exists, well just about!
As you know social media killed everything and yet now social media is a cess pit!!!

A wealth of knowledge does indeed exist here, but for how long, who knows?

Take it easy and stay safe. 8)
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Re: Long time no... anything!

Post by RobT »

I've also made a quick return. cant remember why.

I had unread PM's from 2008 from the father of a young gunner that i was involved in his repatriation and burial that I never knew about. :(

Its sad seeing this place like this, it was 100% instrumental in me joining up in 2003 and was 100% more civilised and useful than any of the social media shite these days. Coming on here was like stepping back into a time machine.

Anyway take care all and thanks to this forum

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Re: Long time no... anything!

Post by Beast »

Good to see you too RobT and thanks for the quick return.

Sorry to hear about the unread PM's you we're involved with. :(

Indeed it is sad and as said Social Media killed all, hopefully in time communities will form again.

Thank you and nice to see you, take it easy and be safe.
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