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Living with a liar

Posted: Tue 02 Mar, 2010 9:53 pm
by flighty
Someone who explains their difficulties by blaming other folk. Making up stories involving ridiculous, indescribable adventures. Overland to Iraq via Jordan without a passport or visa. Took two days there and back. To visit a sick son. My fat bloody arse!

Walt of the first order!

Re: Living with a liar

Posted: Fri 05 Mar, 2010 1:11 pm
by Fusilier
Whats all this about then.

Re: Living with a liar

Posted: Fri 05 Mar, 2010 10:00 pm
by flighty
Delusion. That's what it's about. And taking the piss out of folk who might have given a shit once upon a time.

Re: Living with a liar

Posted: Fri 05 Mar, 2010 10:10 pm
by Fusilier
One minute lovers, the next enemies.

Re: Living with a liar

Posted: Wed 10 Mar, 2010 1:11 am
by Buntingbob
I was just browsing and saw this post...baffled? first..then I thought I'm thinking, it makes the first lines of a bloody good novel. C'mon, Flighty, tell us more. It might help. I might know a good publisher.

Re: Living with a liar

Posted: Wed 10 Mar, 2010 10:13 pm
by flighty
Wouldn't be a novel, more of a manual. Bit like a Haynes.

No, I won't tell you more. Folk will pick up on what I'm blathering on about. Those who know the ins and outs. Suffice it to say folk will always let you down. Sad but true ..... as they say.

Re: Living with a liar

Posted: Wed 10 Mar, 2010 11:55 pm
by Buntingbob
Fair enough, mate. Best of luck.

Re: Living with a liar

Posted: Thu 20 May, 2010 9:05 pm
by flighty
I have made my mind up after almost 9 months of collecting threatening and slanderous text messages (not against myself but a friend) to go to the police. Said person has made death threats and will not leave me or friends alone and is besmirching my character around the town where I live and work as does my family.

Once upon a time I was able to laugh it off but no more.

I cannot recieve PMs for some reason but my email is

This idiot is passing his rubbish off as PTSD. We also have a humungous amount of evidence to blow his crap out of the water.
