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Post by Wholley »

I am far from a connoisseur as to the blood of the vine.
The Australian fighting wines are always consistent.
You pop the cork,empty the contents and use the bottle as a weapon.
Then there's French vino.
Pop the cork,drink the contents,drop the bottle and run away hoping the British or Americans will save your sorry asses again.
The Italian wines are of specific interest.
Pop the cork,pontificate and shout a lot,invade a small North African country and run away when confronted by a REAL army until Hitler saves your sorry asses.
German wines are culture oriented.
Liebfraumilch?????causes sudden and uncontrollable goose-stepping followed by an invasion of most of Europe(Should be avoided by psychopathic megalomaniacs)
I prefer the California wines from the Gallo brothers,light ,obviously gay and with a hint of hippy :P

Post by Wholley »

Danielchristopherlee wrote:Wholley !

you never cease to make me laugh.l
I do my best.what's the point if you can't have a giggle.
I will not hi-jack your thread any further but somehow good wine and squaddies just don't seem to go well together 8)
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